HSM Training and Consultancy

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Covert Human Intelligence Sources (CHIS) Training

We don’t often write much for the benefit of our UK readers. The management of Covert Human Intelligence Sources (CHIS) is highly regulated in the United Kingdom. The role of a CHIS is very similar to that of a confidential informant the biggest difference being that human sources in the UK are managed only by dedicated officers in dedicated units. This provides for much greater efficiency and safety for all involved.

Most training in the UK is provided in house or at police colleges which is great to get the basics across. Unfortunately these facilities are not always able to supply advanced training designed to enhance the capabilities of the officers involved. AT HSM Training we provide a number of courses designed to supplement the type of basic training available at police colleges. Course we deliver include:

  • Advanced risk management course a two day module designed to ensure effective risk management for all types of covert operation. In this course we teach tried and tested methodology that is legally compliant and protects all involved. You may be surprised to learn how vulnerable you our. Invest Now or Pay Later

  • Psychology of proactive recruitment. If you want to understand why your handlers do things and why your sources do things and how to recruit more and better CHIS then this is the course for you. We delve into the psychology of recruiting and managing sources. You will learn a lot about sources and probably a lot about yourself. This course is based on our book The Human Source Management System. The use of psychology in the management of human intelligence sources. The course brings the book alive

  • Debriefing a human source. Do you want to get more and better intelligence from your CHIS? This is the course for you. Covering cognitive interviewing skills adapted for the human source arena, and detailed explanation of the nature of human memory this course ensures we get better and more information during meetings and helps us detect when we are being deceived. This course is about maximising intelligence to support intelligence led policing ILP

All our courses are highly interactive and can be delivered at any suitable location of your choosing. All you need is an open mind. Get in touch . We are only down the road.