Confidential Informant Training - For professionals who want to learn.

I am making a guess: If you are in law enforcement and you are reading this it is because you want to know more about managing confidential informants [or as they are known in many places human sources or covert human intelligence sources (CHIS)]. And I am guessing that you realize that managing informants is a high-risk business, so if you want to be good at it, you have to invest the time to learn about it. We have all seen people who talk the talk but when it comes down to it, it is the same methods that we saw on television in the seventies, threaten the guy until he tells you what you want to hear.

If you want to be better than that, then you are in the right place. Not only do we offer the best training you can get anywhere in the world in relation to confidential informants. but we also offer it at a cost your agency can afford. We believe in what we teach and we are well aware of the limited resources that most law enforcement agencies have.

At HSM Training we are constantly researching and developing materials to deliver in our classes we have a lot of material to share - so don’t be expecting the typically advertised daylong seminar where you are supposed to learn everything about managing informants.

If you are starting out we have basic classes that explain the structures necessary, the purpose and nature of records that need to be kept, effective risk, management strategies and where and how to meet an informant safely. If you have these basics in place then we offer you a more advanced course into how to effectively manage a source using psychology and how to elicit the maximum amount of information using our advance cognitive interviewing model, researched specifically for use with informants. If you are interested in how to proactively recruit informants that can report on organized crime and terrorism, we can help you out there too. All out training is supported with additional reading material in the form of our books which are included in the training.

If you are curious about what we can offer, drop us a note or give us a call. We will happily let you know more details of what we provide and how much it will cost. Our courses don’t cost more than others; it is just that we have so much more to teach you and it takes longer.

All our courses are bespoke for your agency. We discuss what you want, the number of officers and then we design a course for you. Then we come to you and deliver it and you realize how much more there is to managing an informant than you saw on Strasky and Hutch!