Technology and the fight against informant corruption.

As part of the ongoing investigation into a botched drugs raid in Houston Texas 12 officers have now been charged. Many of these officers are accused of tampering with records.

If you use the proper software to manage informants tampering with records becomes all but impossible because every officer knows that there will be an electronic record of everything that has been changed, when it was changed, and who changed it. If you know you will be caught you are much less likely to do it.

This informant management software has a full audit capability. Altia-ABM The software contains everything you need to manage confidential informants safely and to reduce corruption.

If you want to make sure officers are not altering the content of their pocket notebooks, diaries or desk journals then take a look at Verinote This is an app that is designed to ensure all police notebook entries are securely stored and cannot be tampered with.

Ask us about either product.