Informant management book

Motives and Motivations of Confidential Informants

Many people are interested in what motivates an confidential informant ( aka: human source, covert human intelligence source, CHIS, HUMINT) to assist law enforcement. The question is often asked as to why someone becomes an informant. Understanding an informant’s motives for providing information is fundamental to managing them effectively. This article points people in the right direction as to how to find out what really works when it comes to motivating a confidential informant.

Human Sources - Managing Confidential Informants NEW BOOK COMING SOON

Human sources, also known as confidential informants, are an essential law enforcement resource in the fight against crime and terrorism. How they are managed has changed little over the years. This book provides law enforcement with details of how to manage human sources, in line with the goals of intelligence-led policing.