confidential informant software

Failure to Protect the Identity of a Confidential Informant

Here is a story from Connecticut about the compromise of a confidential informant through the allegedly corrupt actions of a police officer. The story relates how an officer allowed his girlfriend access to a computer that held the details of a confidential informant and the officers involved in a drugs arrest.

Confidential informant corruption. A common problem and a simple solution.

Here is an all to common story about an officer who is suspected of having inappropriate relationships with confidential informants. These relationships happen because officers believe they can have clandestine meetings without any contemporaneous record being kept of the meeting. The article discusses the use of a digital police notebook that provides a simple solution.

Bad Information from a confidential Informant costs $2.9 million.

Many of our readers in the USA will be familiar with the case in Chicago of Anjanette Young, where police executed a warrant on her apartment to search for a gun. Without going into all the details of what was done wrong, it has now cost the City of Chicago $2.9 million in compensation for Ms Young. This was an expensive day out for the Chicago Police Department. We can stop the same thing happening to your agency,

Confidential Informant corruption - A gift that keeps on giving

So here we have a few recent news articles relating to police corruption and the management of confidential informants (HUMINT, confidential human sources, covert human intelligence sources, CHIS) Please tell me that you realise this is a problem for law enforcement and not just a problem with “one bad officer”. Corruption relating to managing confidential informants is a big problem and it is not going away.

Verinote - An App to help in managing confidential informants

This article discusses the use of the VeriNote app and its utility in confidential informant management. There are a lot of features about this product that make it ideal for officers involved in managing confidential sources (HUMINT, covert human intelligence sources, CHIS, and confidential human sources). Here we list some of the features that will make it very appealing to anyone involved in this type of work.

Confidential informant lawsuit - $13 million.

Confidential informant lawsuit - $13 million.

This article discusses a lawsuit against a USA law enforcement agency concerning the alleged wrongful death of a police confidential informant. The family of Troy Howlett are suing the police department and others for $13 million. We discuss what constitutes negligence in the management of informants.