Confidential Informant Management - Drug Enforcement Administration

Sometimes we read a story about poor informant management and we shake our head in disbelief. Here is a story about a Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) officer gone bad.

Confidential Informant corruption - A gift that keeps on giving

So here we have a few recent news articles relating to police corruption and the management of confidential informants (HUMINT, confidential human sources, covert human intelligence sources, CHIS) Please tell me that you realise this is a problem for law enforcement and not just a problem with “one bad officer”. Corruption relating to managing confidential informants is a big problem and it is not going away.

Confidential informant management and corruption

Analysing why agencies wont change their behaviour to manage confidential informants professionally. The article discusses law enforcement corruption linked to managing confidential sources ( human sources, CHIS)